Source code for graphviz.quoting

"""Quote strings to be valid DOT identifiers, assemble quoted attribute lists."""

import functools
import re
import typing
import warnings

from . import _tools
from . import exceptions

__all__ = ['quote', 'quote_edge',
           'a_list', 'attr_list',
           'escape', 'nohtml']


HTML_STRING = re.compile(r'<.*>$', re.DOTALL)

ID = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|-?(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?))$')

KEYWORDS = {'node', 'edge', 'graph', 'digraph', 'subgraph', 'strict'}

COMPASS = {'n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw', 'c', '_'}  # TODO

FINAL_ODD_BACKSLASHES = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(?:\\{2})*\\$')

                                            \\?  # treat \" same as "
                                            ''', flags=re.VERBOSE)


def quote(identifier: str,
          escape_unescaped_quotes=ESCAPE_UNESCAPED_QUOTES) -> str:
    r"""Return DOT identifier from string, quote if needed.

    >>> quote('')  # doctest: +NO_EXE

    >>> quote('spam')

    >>> quote('spam spam')
    '"spam spam"'

    >>> quote('-4.2')

    >>> quote('.42')

    >>> quote('<<b>spam</b>>')

    >>> quote(nohtml('<>'))

    >>> print(quote('"'))

    >>> print(quote('\\"'))

    >>> print(quote('\\\\"'))

    >>> print(quote('\\\\\\"'))
    if is_html_string(identifier) and not isinstance(identifier, NoHtml):
    elif not is_valid_id(identifier) or identifier.lower() in dot_keywords:
        if endswith_odd_number_of_backslashes(identifier):
            warnings.warn('expect syntax error scanning invalid quoted string:'
                          f' {identifier!r}',
        return f'"{escape_unescaped_quotes(identifier)}"'
    return identifier

def quote_edge(identifier: str) -> str:
    """Return DOT edge statement node_id from string, quote if needed.

    >>> quote_edge('spam')  # doctest: +NO_EXE

    >>> quote_edge('spam spam:eggs eggs')
    '"spam spam":"eggs eggs"'

    >>> quote_edge('spam:eggs:s')
    node, _, rest = identifier.partition(':')
    parts = [quote(node)]
    if rest:
        port, _, compass = rest.partition(':')
        if compass:
    return ':'.join(parts)

def a_list(label: typing.Optional[str] = None,
           kwargs=None, attributes=None) -> str:
    """Return assembled DOT a_list string.

    >>> a_list('spam', kwargs={'spam': None, 'ham': 'ham ham', 'eggs': ''})  # doctest: +NO_EXE
    'label=spam eggs="" ham="ham ham"'
    result = [f'label={quote(label)}'] if label is not None else []
    if kwargs:
        result += [f'{quote(k)}={quote(v)}'
                   for k, v in _tools.mapping_items(kwargs) if v is not None]
    if attributes:
        if hasattr(attributes, 'items'):
            attributes = _tools.mapping_items(attributes)
        result += [f'{quote(k)}={quote(v)}'
                   for k, v in attributes if v is not None]
    return ' '.join(result)

def attr_list(label: typing.Optional[str] = None,
              kwargs=None, attributes=None) -> str:
    """Return assembled DOT attribute list string.

    Sorts ``kwargs`` and ``attributes`` if they are plain dicts
    (to avoid unpredictable order from hash randomization in Python < 3.7).

    >>> attr_list()  # doctest: +NO_EXE

    >>> attr_list('spam spam', kwargs={'eggs': 'eggs', 'ham': 'ham ham'})
    ' [label="spam spam" eggs=eggs ham="ham ham"]'

    >>> attr_list(kwargs={'spam': None, 'eggs': ''})
    ' [eggs=""]'
    content = a_list(label, kwargs=kwargs, attributes=attributes)
    if not content:
        return ''
    return f' [{content}]'

class Quote:
    """Quote strings to be valid DOT identifiers, assemble quoted attribute lists."""

    _quote = staticmethod(quote)
    _quote_edge = staticmethod(quote_edge)

    _a_list = staticmethod(a_list)
    _attr_list = staticmethod(attr_list)

[docs]def escape(s: str) -> str: r"""Return string disabling special meaning of backslashes and ``'<...>'``. Args: s: String in which backslashes and ``'<...>'`` should be treated as literal. Returns: Escaped string subclass instance. Raises: TypeError: If ``s`` is not a ``str``. Example: >>> import graphviz # doctest: +NO_EXE >>> print(graphviz.escape(r'\l')) \\l See also: Upstream documentation: """ return nohtml(s.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
class NoHtml(str): """String subclass that does not treat ``'<...>'`` as DOT HTML string.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs]def nohtml(s: str) -> str: """Return string not treating ``'<...>'`` as DOT HTML string in quoting. Args: s: String in which leading ``'<'`` and trailing ``'>'`` should be treated as literal. Returns: String subclass instance. Raises: TypeError: If ``s`` is not a ``str``. Example: >>> import graphviz # doctest: +NO_EXE >>> g = graphviz.Graph() >>> g.node(graphviz.nohtml('<>-*-<>')) >>> print(g.source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE graph { "<>-*-<>" } """ return NoHtml(s)