Source code for graphviz.graphs

r"""Assemble DOT source code objects.

    >>> doctest_mark_exe()

    >>> import graphviz
    >>> dot = graphviz.Graph(comment='Mønti Pythøn ik den Hølie Grailen')

    >>> dot.node('Møøse')
    >>> dot.node('trained_by', 'trained by')
    >>> dot.node('tutte', 'TUTTE HERMSGERVORDENBROTBORDA')

    >>> dot.edge('Møøse', 'trained_by')
    >>> dot.edge('trained_by', 'tutte')

    >>> dot.node_attr['shape'] = 'rectangle'

    >>> print(dot.source)  #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    // Mønti Pythøn ik den Hølie Grailen
    graph {
        node [shape=rectangle]
        trained_by [label="trained by"]
        "Møøse" -- trained_by
        trained_by -- tutte

    >>> dot.render('doctest-output/m00se.gv').replace('\\', '/')

import typing

from .encoding import DEFAULT_ENCODING
from . import _tools
from . import dot
from . import jupyter_integration
from . import piping
from . import rendering
from . import unflattening

__all__ = ['Graph', 'Digraph']

class BaseGraph(dot.Dot,
                jupyter_integration.JupyterIntegration, piping.Pipe,
    """Dot language creation and source code rendering."""

    def __init__(self, name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 comment: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 filename=None, directory=None,
                 format: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 engine: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 encoding: typing.Optional[str] = DEFAULT_ENCODING,
                 graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None,
                 strict: bool = False, *,
                 renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                 formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        if filename is None and name is not None:
            filename = f'{name}.{self._default_extension}'

        super().__init__(name=name, comment=comment,
                         node_attr=node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr,
                         body=body, strict=strict,
                         filename=filename, directory=directory,
                         format=format, engine=engine,
                         renderer=renderer, formatter=formatter)

    def source(self) -> str:
        """The generated DOT source code as string."""
        return ''.join(self)

[docs]class Graph(dot.GraphSyntax, BaseGraph): """Graph source code in the DOT language. Args: name: Graph name used in the source code. comment: Comment added to the first line of the source. filename: Filename for saving the source (defaults to ``name`` + ``'.gv'``). directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering. format: Rendering output format (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...). engine: Layout command used (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...). renderer: Output renderer used (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...). formatter: Output formatter used (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...). encoding: Encoding for saving the source. graph_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs for the graph. node_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs set for all nodes. edge_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs set for all edges. body: Iterable of verbatim lines (including their final newline) to add to the graph ``body``. strict (bool): Rendering should merge multi-edges. Note: All parameters are `optional` and can be changed under their corresponding attribute name after instance creation. """ @property def directed(self) -> bool: """``False``""" return False
[docs]class Digraph(dot.DigraphSyntax, BaseGraph): """Directed graph source code in the DOT language.""" if Graph.__doc__ is not None: __doc__ += Graph.__doc__.partition('.')[2] @property def directed(self) -> bool: """``True``""" return True