Source code for graphviz.backend.viewing

"""Open files in platform-specific default viewing application."""

import logging
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import typing

from .. import _tools

__all__ = ['view']

PLATFORM = platform.system().lower()

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@_tools.deprecate_positional_args(supported_number=1) def view(filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str], quiet: bool = False) -> None: """Open filepath with its default viewing application (platform-specific). Args: filepath: Path to the file to open in viewer. quiet: Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process (ineffective on Windows). Raises: RuntimeError: If the current platform is not supported. Note: There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no way to retrieve the application's exit status. """ try: view_func = getattr(view, PLATFORM) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError(f'platform {PLATFORM!r} not supported') view_func(filepath, quiet=quiet)
@_tools.attach(view, 'darwin') def view_darwin(filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str], *, quiet: bool) -> None: """Open filepath with its default application (mac).""" cmd = ['open', filepath] log.debug('view: %r', cmd) kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL} if quiet else {} subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) @_tools.attach(view, 'linux') @_tools.attach(view, 'freebsd') def view_unixoid(filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str], *, quiet: bool) -> None: """Open filepath in the user's preferred application (linux, freebsd).""" cmd = ['xdg-open', filepath] log.debug('view: %r', cmd) kwargs = {'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL} if quiet else {} subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) @_tools.attach(view, 'windows') def view_windows(filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str], *, quiet: bool) -> None: """Start filepath with its associated application (windows).""" # TODO: implement quiet=True filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath) log.debug('view: %r', filepath) os.startfile(filepath) # pytype: disable=module-attr