Source code for graphviz.backend.rendering

"""Render DOT source files with Graphviz ``dot``."""

import os
import pathlib
import typing
import warnings

from .._defaults import DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXTENSION
from .. import _tools
from .. import exceptions
from .. import parameters

from . import dot_command
from . import execute

__all__ = ['get_format', 'get_filepath', 'render']

def get_format(outfile: pathlib.Path, *, format: typing.Optional[str]) -> str:
    """Return format inferred from outfile suffix and/or given ``format``.

        outfile: Path for the rendered output file.
        format: Output format for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).

        The given ``format`` falling back to the inferred format.

        graphviz.UnknownSuffixWarning: If the suffix of ``outfile``
            is empty/unknown.
        graphviz.FormatSuffixMismatchWarning: If the suffix of ``outfile``
            does not match the given ``format``.
        inferred_format = infer_format(outfile)
    except ValueError:
        if format is None:
            msg = ('cannot infer rendering format'
                   f' from suffix {outfile.suffix!r}'
                   f' of outfile: {os.fspath(outfile)!r}'
                   ' (provide format or outfile with a suffix'
                   f' from {get_supported_suffixes()!r})')
            raise exceptions.RequiredArgumentError(msg)

        warnings.warn(f'unknown outfile suffix {outfile.suffix!r}'
                      f' (expected: {"." + format!r})',
        return format
        assert inferred_format is not None
        if format is not None and format.lower() != inferred_format:
            warnings.warn(f'expected format {inferred_format!r} from outfile'
                          f' differs from given format: {format!r}',
            return format

        return inferred_format

def get_supported_suffixes() -> typing.List[str]:
    """Return a sorted list of supported outfile suffixes for exception/warning messages.

    >>> get_supported_suffixes()  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ['.bmp', ...]
    return [f'.{format}' for format in get_supported_formats()]

def get_supported_formats() -> typing.List[str]:
    """Return a sorted list of supported formats for exception/warning messages.

    >>> get_supported_formats()  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    ['bmp', ...]
    return sorted(parameters.FORMATS)

def infer_format(outfile: pathlib.Path) -> str:
    """Return format inferred from outfile suffix.

        outfile: Path for the rendered output file.

        The inferred format.

        ValueError: If the suffix of ``outfile`` is empty/unknown.

    >>> infer_format(pathlib.Path('spam.pdf'))  # doctest: +NO_EXE

    >>> infer_format(pathlib.Path('spam.gv.svg'))

    >>> infer_format(pathlib.Path('spam.PNG'))

    >>> infer_format(pathlib.Path('spam'))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cannot infer rendering format from outfile: 'spam' (missing suffix)

    >>> infer_format(pathlib.Path('spam.wav'))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cannot infer rendering format from suffix '.wav' of outfile: 'spam.wav'
    (unknown format: 'wav', provide outfile with a suffix from ['.bmp', ...])
    if not outfile.suffix:
        raise ValueError('cannot infer rendering format from outfile:'
                         f' {os.fspath(outfile)!r} (missing suffix)')

    start, sep, format_ = outfile.suffix.partition('.')
    assert sep and not start, f"{outfile.suffix!r}.startswith('.')"
    format_ = format_.lower()

    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('cannot infer rendering format'
                         f' from suffix {outfile.suffix!r}'
                         f' of outfile: {os.fspath(outfile)!r}'
                         f' (unknown format: {format_!r},'
                         ' provide outfile with a suffix'
                         f' from {get_supported_suffixes()!r})')
    return format_

def get_outfile(filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str], *,
                format: str,
                renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None,
                formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Return ``filepath`` + ``[[.formatter].renderer].format``.

    See also:
    filepath = _tools.promote_pathlike(filepath)

    parameters.verify_format(format, required=True)
    parameters.verify_renderer(renderer, required=False)
    parameters.verify_formatter(formatter, required=False)

    suffix_args = (formatter, renderer, format)
    suffix = '.'.join(a for a in suffix_args if a is not None)
    return filepath.with_suffix(f'{filepath.suffix}.{suffix}')

def get_filepath(outfile: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str]) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Return ``outfile.with_suffix('.gv')``."""
    outfile = _tools.promote_pathlike(outfile)
    return outfile.with_suffix(f'.{DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXTENSION}')

def render(engine: str,
           format: str,
           filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str],
           renderer: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           formatter: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           neato_no_op: typing.Union[bool, int, None] = ...,
           quiet: bool = ..., *,
           outfile: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = ...,
           raise_if_result_exists: bool = ...,
           overwrite_filepath: bool = ...) -> str:
    """Require ``format`` and ``filepath`` with default ``outfile=None``."""

def render(engine: str,
           format: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = ...,
           renderer: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           formatter: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           neato_no_op: typing.Union[bool, int, None] = ...,
           quiet: bool = False, *,
           outfile: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = ...,
           raise_if_result_exists: bool = ...,
           overwrite_filepath: bool = ...) -> str:
    """Optional ``format`` and ``filepath`` with given ``outfile``."""

def render(engine: str,
           format: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = ...,
           renderer: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           formatter: typing.Optional[str] = ...,
           neato_no_op: typing.Union[bool, int, None] = ...,
           quiet: bool = False, *,
           outfile: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = ...,
           raise_if_result_exists: bool = ...,
           overwrite_filepath: bool = ...) -> str:
    """Required/optional ``format`` and ``filepath`` depending on ``outfile``."""

[docs]@_tools.deprecate_positional_args(supported_number=3) def render(engine: str, format: typing.Optional[str] = None, filepath: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = None, renderer: typing.Optional[str] = None, formatter: typing.Optional[str] = None, neato_no_op: typing.Union[bool, int, None] = None, quiet: bool = False, *, outfile: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, None] = None, raise_if_result_exists: bool = False, overwrite_filepath: bool = False) -> str: r"""Render file with ``engine`` into ``format`` and return result filename. Args: engine: Layout engine for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...). format: Output format for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...). Can be omitted if an ``outfile`` with a known ``format`` is given, i.e. if ``outfile`` ends with a known ``.{format}`` suffix. filepath: Path to the DOT source file to render. Can be omitted if ``outfile`` is given, in which case it defaults to ``outfile.with_suffix('.gv')``. renderer: Output renderer (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...). formatter: Output formatter (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...). neato_no_op: Neato layout engine no-op flag. quiet: Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess. outfile: Path for the rendered output file. raise_if_result_exists: Raise :exc:`graphviz.FileExistsError` if the result file exists. overwrite_filepath: Allow ``dot`` to write to the file it reads from. Incompatible with ``raise_if_result_exists``. Returns: The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file. Raises: ValueError: If ``engine``, ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are unknown. graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``format`` or ``filepath`` are None unless ``outfile`` is given. graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None. ValueError: If ``outfile`` and ``filename`` are the same file unless ``overwite_filepath=True``. graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz ``dot`` executable is not found. graphviz.CalledProcessError: If the returncode (exit status) of the rendering ``dot`` subprocess is non-zero. graphviz.FileExistsError: If ``raise_if_exists`` and the result file exists. Warns: graphviz.UnknownSuffixWarning: If the suffix of ``outfile`` is empty or unknown. graphviz.FormatSuffixMismatchWarning: If the suffix of ``outfile`` does not match the given ``format``. Example: >>> doctest_mark_exe() >>> import pathlib >>> import graphviz >>> assert pathlib.Path('doctest-output/spam.gv').write_text('graph { spam }') == 14 >>> graphviz.render('dot', 'png', 'doctest-output/spam.gv').replace('\\', '/') 'doctest-output/spam.gv.png' >>> graphviz.render('dot', filepath='doctest-output/spam.gv', ... outfile='doctest-output/spam.png').replace('\\', '/') 'doctest-output/spam.png' >>> graphviz.render('dot', outfile='doctest-output/spam.pdf').replace('\\', '/') 'doctest-output/spam.pdf' Note: The layout command is started from the directory of ``filepath``, so that references to external files (e.g. ``[image=images/camelot.png]``) can be given as paths relative to the DOT source file. See also: Upstream docs: """ if raise_if_result_exists and overwrite_filepath: raise ValueError('overwrite_filepath cannot be combined' ' with raise_if_result_exists') filepath, outfile = map(_tools.promote_pathlike, (filepath, outfile)) if outfile is not None: format = get_format(outfile, format=format) if filepath is None: filepath = get_filepath(outfile) if (not overwrite_filepath and == and outfile.resolve() == filepath.resolve()): # noqa: E129 raise ValueError(f'outfile {!r} must be different' f' from input file {!r}' ' (pass overwrite_filepath=True to override)') outfile_arg = (outfile.resolve() if outfile.parent != filepath.parent else # args = ['-o', outfile_arg,] elif filepath is None: raise exceptions.RequiredArgumentError('filepath: (required if outfile is not given,' f' got {filepath!r})') elif format is None: raise exceptions.RequiredArgumentError('format: (required if outfile is not given,' f' got {format!r})') else: outfile = get_outfile(filepath, format=format, renderer=renderer, formatter=formatter) # args = ['-O',] cmd = dot_command.command(engine, format, renderer=renderer, formatter=formatter, neato_no_op=neato_no_op) if raise_if_result_exists and os.path.exists(outfile): raise exceptions.FileExistsError(f'output file exists: {os.fspath(outfile)!r}') cmd += args assert filepath is not None, 'work around pytype false alarm' execute.run_check(cmd, cwd=filepath.parent if else None, quiet=quiet, capture_output=True) return os.fspath(outfile)