Release process =============== Build ----- Update build dependencies: .. code:: bash $ pip install -U setuptools wheel twine Create ``release`` branch from main: .. code:: bash $ git checkout -b release **Cleanup** (remove all untracked files and directories): .. code:: bash $ git clean -f -d -x Update ``help()`` output: .. code:: bash $ python Set **release version** (remove ``.dev0`` from ``$MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX]`` version): - ``docs/`` - ``graphviz/`` - ```` Document release: - remove ``(in development)`` from ``CHANGES.rst`` header Run the tests, lint the code, and build the documentation: .. code:: bash $ python -m tox -r -- -W error # --recreate, raise error on warning $ python --disable-noqa $ python -b doctest $ python $ git clean -f -d -x Commit to ``release`` branch and push to ``origin``: .. code:: bash $ git add * $ git commit -m "release $MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX]" $ git push --set-upstream origin release - Check GitHub Actions ``relase`` `Build workflow `_ - Check Codecov ``release`` build `test coverage `_ **Build** and check the release files: .. code:: bash $ python sdist bdist_wheel $ python -m twine check --strict dist/* - ``dist/graphviz-$MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX].zip`` - ``dist/graphviz-$MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX]-py3-none-any.whl`` If changes are needed (and go back to: **Cleanup** step): .. code:: bash $ git commit --amend --date=now Switch to main branch and merge ``release``: .. code:: bash $ git switch master $ git merge --ff-only release **Tag** with annotated release version tag: .. code:: bash $ git tag -a -m "$MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX] release" Bump **post-release version** to ``$MAJOR.$MINOR.[.$BUGFIX].dev0``: - ``docs/`` - ``graphviz/`` - ```` Document post-release: - add new ``Version $MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX] (in development)`` heading to ``CHANGES.rst`` Commit version bump to main branch: .. code:: bash $ git commit -m "bump version for development" Publish ------- Publish the release with twine_: .. code:: bash $ python -m twine upload dist/* Push main branch and push all new tags: .. code:: bash $ git push --tags Update `stable `_ branch to the latest release: .. code:: bash $ git switch stable $ git merge --ff-only $MAJOR.$MINOR[.$BUGFIX] $ git push Verify ------ Verify publication: - Check `PyPI files `_ - Check GitHub `Main page `_ - Check GitHub Actions `main branch Build workflow `_ - Check Read the Docs `builds `_ - Check `latest release notes `_ - Check `stable release notes `_ - Check ``stable`` binder: Install in default environment: .. code:: bash $ pip install -U graphviz $ python -c "import graphviz; print((graphviz.__version__, graphviz.version()))" Downstream ---------- - Check downstream `conda-forge release `_ .. include:: _links.rst